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Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Kiko Kostadinov Spring/Summer '21

Kiko Kostadinov Spring/Summer '21

A seeming evolution of past themes, Kiko Kostadinov’s Spring/Summer ‘21 effectively moves on from the jockey sportswear and weaponry-inspired designs produced prior for a range of garments that errs on the side of colorful through resolute Renaissance influence.

The Bulgarian designer, whose cues are borrowed from historical films such as L’età di Cosimo de Medici, titles the collection “Sirokkó,” a direct nod to the wind that cuts through Northern Africa all the way to Italy. And as result of painstaking research, Kostadinov and his team were able to educate themselves on the styles of such an era -- to the point where modifying it becomes second nature. As such, many a past idea is revisited in a way that seems true to the label’s signature. 

Trousers, while imbued with vibrant patterns and a slew of colorful, near regal textiles, are afforded an unmatched attention to detail as select balloon-shaped cuts panel with thin ruching to the fit’s general benefit. Alongside, these wider trousers are complemented by a vast array of similarly loose to extremely slim complements: the latter distinct in its loungewear-like quality while the former impresses with either maximal diamond-esque adornments or cropped references to aristocratic attire. Further explored by way of tops and outerwear, the inspiration expands to varying degrees as certain pieces act as extensions of another in its use of motif while others, like the velvet and satin constructed capes, stand out by way of modernized replication.

Grab a look at everything mentioned and much more right below. Select stockists as well as Kiko Kostadinov’s own online webstore should release pieces early 2021.

kolor / BEACON Spring/Summer 20 for eye_C mag No. 03

kolor / BEACON Spring/Summer 20 for eye_C mag No. 03

DESCENDANT Spring/Summer 20 for eye_C mag No. 03

DESCENDANT Spring/Summer 20 for eye_C mag No. 03