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Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Y(dot)BY NORDISK and THE EARTH FIELD of BAND Create an All-in-One Down Suit

Y(dot)BY NORDISK and THE EARTH FIELD of BAND Create an All-in-One Down Suit

Collaborating for the first time, THE EARTH FIELD of BAND and Y(dot)BY NORDISK were inspired to create a piece of Winter-proof outerwear that can be adapted to the conditions at hand, resulting in the all-in-one down suit.

Not widely known outside of fashion circles, THE EARTH FIELD of BAND is a company started by Tomoya Ohno that focuses on the newest and oldest form of gathering produce: collecting wild vegetables and plants grown by nature. Inspired by the conditions these individuals work in, the pair wanted to devise outerwear that could aid them in the harsh winters. The suit has been designed to be as convenient and practical as possible, which means that every component is detachable and allows for a high degree of customisation. For example, the bottoms, sleeves, and hood can be removed in case you need to cool down, and the suit can also be used as a sleeping bag. It is available in black or ice blue.

Release Details:
When? Pre-orders are now open to members, with a general release to follow in mid-October.
Where? Y(dot)BY NORDISK’s online store.

Take a closer look below.

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