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Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

hobo Reprises Its Collaborative Run with Danner on the TACHYON Boot

hobo Reprises Its Collaborative Run with Danner on the TACHYON Boot

hobo returns with Oregon-based footwear brand Danner on an everyday, urban version of the popular TACHYON trainer boot, incorporating new technologies and materials for comfort and Winter protection.

The latest collaboration takes a modern approach to the US military issue model, reducing the height of the boot from 8 inches to 6 inches, while improving its outdoor performance by incorporating Danner’s DRY 3-layer membrane lining, a unique textile lining that provides prevents water from coming in while allowing for breathability and any moisture to release, ultimately keeping your feet dry and comfortable. The boots come with matching beige mid-soles and outsoles in addition to contrasting panels on the upper and embossing on the heel for a minimal look. Three colorways of reflective elastic rope laces additionally match the shoe’s color palette and are the perfect length for the added pair of speed lacing eyelets, which hobo’s Asakura Hideki designed for more convenient access to the boots.

Shop the collaboration footwear at COVERCHORD.

FACTOTUM Spring/Summer '20

FACTOTUM Spring/Summer '20

nonnative Helps Celebrate "Rush Hour Night" with a Small Capsule of Tees

nonnative Helps Celebrate "Rush Hour Night" with a Small Capsule of Tees