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Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Goodhood Interviews Story mfg. Designer and Co-Founder Saeed Al-Rabeyi

Goodhood Interviews Story mfg. Designer and Co-Founder Saeed Al-Rabeyi

Following the release of their Spring/Summer ‘20 collection, Story mfg. co-founder, Saeed Al-Rabeyi, sat down with Goodhood and spoke about a whole host of subjects, from the brands inception to their unique ‘collaboration’ with nature. Their distinct nature-lead approach to design relies on maximising plant properties and natural methods of dyeing, thus creating a more sustainable and friendly product. This unique approach is alien, yet refreshing and Saeed alludes to this in his conversation with Goodhood.

A small teaser can be found below, but to read the full interview head over to Goodhood.

Your tagline reads ‘made with nature’, can you expand on that?…

The most simple way I think about it is, there’s almost a historic adversarial relationship with nature and by extension the planet. We take from it and just give back trash. It’s sort of like working against nature; constantly cutting down trees and pulling out weeds. But, what if a brand worked with nature instead of against it? The word collaboration is overused, but what would happen if you did collaborate with nature? The closest thing to that model is winemakers - they plant trees and have a method for what they want to achieve, but the result is completely down to nature. We embrace that when it comes to wine or coffee, but not so much fashion. We have instances where we design a collection and it comes out completely different to how we wanted.

AKIRA NAKA Autumn/Winter '20

AKIRA NAKA Autumn/Winter '20

COOTIE PRODUCTIONS Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary with Everyday Staples

COOTIE PRODUCTIONS Celebrates Its 20th Anniversary with Everyday Staples