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Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

M.A.D MFG Designer Eske and Banded Purple Assist The Black Creators Fund with Bespoke AF1s

M.A.D MFG Designer Eske and Banded Purple Assist The Black Creators Fund with Bespoke AF1s

Canadian multi-hyphenate Eske, founder of M.A.D MFG, has recently partnered up with creative agency Banded Purple for a fundraising initiative centered around the Black Creators Fund, a program dedicated to broadcasting the voice of black artists across galleries throughout Toronto. Two bespoke Air Force 1s will be up for auction, all earnings going straight to supporting the aforementioned.

Both in design and in message, the Air Force 1 is loud, taking on the nickname “A-CAMO” for its maximal pattern of ornamental panels. Bits of upcycled nylon, vinyl, and more are stitched atop a tan leather base, their coloring mixing together dark black, forest green, and various shades of red. The shapes, while at a glance seemingly random, spell out an ever-clear message -- ACAB -- adjacent to three types of camouflage references. Elsewhere, “BANDED PURPLE” is burnt into the tongue tab while the inside fixture delivers a note to sneaker culture: “Sneaker Culture is Black Culture.”  

For a look at the pair in detail, take a peek below. And if you’d like to bid for a great cause, make sure to check out the currently live eBay listing.

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